Monday, August 04, 2008


Nihilism | Theological Word of the Day
Date August 4, 2008

(Latin, nihil “nothing”)

Nihilism is the philosophy that believes all of existence is without purpose, meaning, or hope. It is often called the philosophy of despair since there is no foundation upon which one can build motives for living. Many believe that nihilism is the necessary outcome of atheism since the atheist finds no reason to believe in any form of transcendence which provides foundational reason and hope. Postmodernism is sometimes labeled as a nihilistic philosophy that resulted from the conclusions of a modernistic worldview which denied God a place in reality. Friedrich Nietzsche is often called the father of nihilism.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

John MacArthur 2 sons series

I have been enjoying this on Podcast, nice ministry. I appreciate his forthwright ministry

Friday, August 01, 2008

Word study misuse

Illegitimate Totality Transfer | Theological Word of the Day
Illegitimate Totality Transfer
Date August 1, 2008

In biblical interpretation, this refers to the illegitimate transfer of a word’s total possible meaning, with all its variations and nuances, and forcing them all into a particular context. For example, if one were to do a word study on the Greek word phile, one would find that it could mean “affection, friendship, love, or kiss.” The context must decide. The illegitimate totality transfer occurs when one forces all of these meanings into one passage, without consideration of which nuance best fits the context. This is a common interpretive fallacy.

Matthew Gospel