“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou
shalt be saved.” (Romans 10:9).
TITANIC! Mighty ship of pride; the glory of the sea;
Invincible to ocean waves; O come and sail with me.
Gilded in grandest splendor known, for no expense was spared;
And she would sail the ocean blue—for all events prepared.
The “unsinkable” Titanic, invulnerable, they said;
And through the mighty ocean way she proudly, swiftly sped.
’Twas Captain Smith’s last ocean voyage, an honor great indeed;
And people from all walks of life wished all tIheir friends Godspeed.
“God, Himself couldn’t sink this ship!” some proudly did proclaim;
Then while some partied, others slept; an iceberg made its claim.
How could a bit of ice, my friend, pierce through that steel hull?
Ah, this grand ship regarded not the elements at all!
Titanic now took water on; folks stared in unbelief;
And others played on at their games, but party time was brief.
The lifeboats soon began to fill; women and children first;
And others scoffed at all the fuss, but there was little mirth.
The screams, the cries, the tears, the grief; young, old, the poor, the rich
Now scurried for a lifeboat berth; hundreds in vain did search!
The lifeboats, some but partly filled, moved from the ship away;
As gradually Titanic sunk with souls to watery grave!
Not one who joined that glorious ship knew of his awful end;
Few dreamed a problem there could be for ship so great, so grand.
Reminds me, friend, that you and I are on a journey too;
And many have not given a thought that they face dangers true.
For where, when the great trump shall sound, and time shall be no more,
Where will you spend eternity? On heaven’s happy shore?
Yes life for you, my friend, shall end, and you your God must meet;
And only those now saved by Christ in heaven shall have a seat.
Now confess Jesus Christ as Lord; He’ll cleanse you from all sin;
His mercy take, His peace receive; He calls—now come to Him!
C.H.K., Dec. ’97
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Titanic now took water on; folks stared in unbelief;
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