I am musing the connection of the jars of purification, and the wine making.
The following is from a "Plymouth Brethren" Writer
John 2: 1-10.
All signs are miracles, that is to say, supernatural exercises of divine power. Yet all miracles are not signs, for signs convey some distinct teaching in addition to their display of power.
The first sign is given in the second chapter. Our Lord was there at the wedding feast at Cana as an invited guest. In the changing of the water into wine He manifested His glory. His act of power signified that He must superseded every human host. In this act He demonstrated that He was the true Host for Israel. He will bring in the joy of the kingdom in the coming day of marital festivity, but only after the waterpots have been filled with water of purification. The purifying fountain (see Zechariah 12 and 13) shall follow the great tribulation. Then Jehovah shall be called Husband by His people and shall no more be called Master. Then shall the joy of the vineyards be their portion when the door of hope is opened to Israel, culminating in the betrothal with all its attendant blessedness (Hosea 2: 14-23). Thus shall the Lord be Host and Husband to Israel in the coming day of His manifested glory. All this and much more is suggested in the consideration of this first sign. May we who belong, not to Israel but, to the heavenly family of God, learn from the sign that the gracious, lowly Stranger, who came unto His own and was not received by them — He who was unknown in the world His own hands had made — is none other than the Lord of glory.
"The Invited Man, at Cana's feast
A humble Guest did dine;
Yet God — the Host — the water blest,
And changed it into wine."
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